Entering The Asian Market: Should You Prioritise Video Or Written Content?

Asia is one of the most dynamic continents, unlike others. There are approximately 48 countries in Asia, spanning from the Middle East right up to Southeast Asia and North Asia. Entering this kind of continent, where 4.82 billion people speak more than 2,300 languages, is never easy. I’m talking about content development here. If we put graphic design aside, there are two main types of content marketers are pretty much into. There is video and written content.

Now, written content revolves around writing. Words, sentences or texts are being produced to enable individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise. Video content, on the other hand, utilises the power of moving footage to convey messages, often incorporating visual storytelling and a more personal connection with the audience. 

Each of them offers unique advantages and challenges, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on individual preferences, strengths, and goals. The question is, which one should you prioritise to effectively enter and conquer the Asian market for your business . . .

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