How To Systematically Build And Monetise Your Brand Authority

My personal brand is my calling card, that’s a fact—and I need to build it carefully. I suggest you do the same too. Make your personal brand your calling card. It's what you'll be known for, the buzz around your name, and how people see you in your professional space. That is where a powerful personal brand lies authority—the feeling that you're not just good at what you do, but that you're a trusted expert.

Yeah, aside from ego-stroking, great personal branding opens doors to exciting opportunities be it a career boost or business growth, improves your chances to even better earnings in the future, and gives you a platform to make a real difference. Just recently I got a project out of nowhere. All I did was have a courtesy coffee hangout with an old buddy of mine a couple of weeks ago. Boooom! He called and said “Hey Azleen. I want to rope you into a project of mine which has a big marketing strategy portion in it.”

FYI, I started building mine back in 2013. At that time, I realised that I had quite a decent journey before that, so I started to transform those journeys into content. Here's how . . .

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