How To Start And Grow A Successful Personal Brand From Zero, With No Friends Or Followers?
Personal brand. I must admit that I cringe a little whenever someone mentions it. I've worked with so many companies and talented professionals before, and they find it difficult to come up with the right playbook for it. The struggle is real. And honestly, I get it. Just so you...
What Is Founder-Led Marketing Strategy, How Does It Work?
It seems that there is a new trend in the B2B SaaS sector that has started to challenge traditional corporate marketing strategies. It's "founder-led marketing". The concept is all about leveraging the personal branding of the founder to establish a strong brand identity and build direct relationships with customers. However,...
Personal Branding- How To Evolve From A Nobody To A Must-Connect Material On LinkedIn
It takes a little bit of art, science, braveness and charm to do this.

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